By B. Zachary Bennett
Married To Marketing
A Relationship Guide To Business
Married To Marketing is a business owner’s relationship guide to their business. In the book, the author creates a parallel between tradition courtship and business in a way that is both revealing and easy to understand. By calling on common relationship practices that are easily recognizable, the book creates the opportunity for several aha moments in business professionals.
Married To Marketing uses real life examples and Hollywood presentations to walk through business communication practices, explain the commitment, and explore the “why” behind it all to help with understanding while providing processes and best practices that are universal for businesses.
Most everyone understands the fundamental basics of courtship and companionship through marriage in our society. B. Zachary Bennett takes this relationship and draws insightful parallels with building and growing a business. The book shares information and explanations in a very understandable manner. Some of the topics include:
The Core of Marketing • Business Planning • Customer Targeting • Brand Development
Messaging • The Relationship Between Sales & Marketing • Strategic Planning • The Business Launch • And Much More…
To order standard copy from Amazon, click here.
To order audio book, click here.
The M2M Workbook is for those looking for a hands-on, companion piece to M2M. It is designed to help in developing a very personal, in-depth understanding of the marketing process and the relative business commitment as it applies to your specific business.
This is the same workbook that Mr. Bennett uses with his one-on-one, business-coaching clients in leading them through developing their brand, strategy, and communication tools.
As a supplemental resource, this workbook walks you through the processes and questions shared in M2M in a way that is specific for you and your own business.
Thought Provoking Questions • Brand Development • Strategic Planning • Message Development • And Much More…
To order from Amazon, click here.

B. Zachary Bennett
B. Zachary Bennett has been a big proponent of understanding and pro-activity in the business community. He continually supports the business community as a host of Straight Line marketing podcast and keynote speaker for relative business groups and associations.
Zachary has been working as a marketing professional for over 20 years. In addition to his efforts as a speaker and subject-matter expert, he is also the President/CEO of Reformation Productions in Atlanta, GA where he offers interim and outsourced Chief Marketing Officer services, as well as, one-on-one business consulting for businesses.
I love the whole analogy. It’s super smart and makes a lot of sense to me.
– agency creative
I feel like this is a labor of love. It is a real effort to help people understand business and marketing’s role in it. I know it can be confusing to some. Zachary’s taken steps to try and break it down in a great comparison.
– Alexis
I don’t like to read, but I’m looking forward to the audio book. Anything I can learn from while working out.
– Roger
Text Zachary
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